Welcome to 8th & Poppy School of Astrology!

Our courses make navigating your astrological charts simple. We've designed them with modern learning in mind, meaning the content is delivered in a simple, straightforward, and step-by-step process. It's as easy (and as fun!) as baking cookies!

In just ONE sitting, you can profoundly shift your life.

Upon understanding the ins and outs of your charts, you will feel empowered to be the best version of yourself and free from any limiting mindsets or shame.

You will walk away from these courses with clarity in your career choice, relationships, and life path. And, you'll be able to use your knowledge WITH EASE anytime you need guidance.

On that note, make yourself a warm cup of coffee, cocoa, or tea, get comfortable, and make yourself at home!

Cheers to living your most balanced and aligned life!

With love,


Red poppy
You are NOT just your sun sign. You’re a WHOLE lot more.

It's your birthright to be who you were born to be.

Woman reading map
Astrology gives you permission to joyfully become your most uninhibited self.

About your Astrologer, Adrianne

I previously thought I was just "a Virgo," but it turns out I'm a whole lot more Leo (6 doses, in fact) with a whole lot of air (6 doses of that, too).

I previously tried to debunk astrology, but that wildly backfired on me. 8th & Poppy grew out of this attempted debunking, and it's my favorite and most beautiful unexpected life twist yet.

From skeptic to master astrologer, I'm here to take the "woo" out of astrology to make it a tangible tool for empowerment and navigation. Astrology changed my entire life, and I can't wait for it to change yours too.

As a former Kindergarten teacher, I'm now on a mission to make learning astrology quickly digestible for everyone, with a modern twist.

I have done astrology readings for: NY Times Bestselling Authors (including Stephanie Danler), Actresses + Set Designers, Social Media Influencers (including Carissa Stanton), Professional Athletes + Coaches, and CEOs from internationally known companies.


"I’ve always been interested in astrology, but didn’t understand it, so finding these courses has literally been life changing. I can’t believe I was able to learn all this so quickly, and now can pull full blown charts on my own. This knowledge will improve all my relationships, which I’m so grateful for! The courses are easy to follow along with, and the worksheets are very user friendly. Can’t wait for all the other courses! I highly recommend looking into these courses (whether you’re interested in astrology, or even if you don’t believe in it!)"


"Adrianne’s courses are not only user friendly but so well taught in steps! You can certainly tell she has a background in education which helps immensely. I’ve enjoyed learning more about myself, as well as my family and friends! It’s empowering seeing others lean into areas on their chart that they did not know they had strengths in! I also loved playing around with my Astrocartography Chart, for both travel and to plan a location where I can retire and thrive one day!"


"8th & Poppy took something wildly complicated and made it so incredibly easy to understand in a shockingly minimal amount of time!"


Our courses are taught using the Placidus system.

No refunds will be allowed under any circumstances due to the nature of digital materials.